your chraniacs

about tim
Guess who's back... Back again... as Chrane's Outside Sales Manager!! Tim Braun has worked with Chrane for several years on providing quality solutions to our K-12, Multi-Unit Chain, & Dealer communities. He brings a wealth of knowledge from the manufacturing side, the rep side, and as an educator. That's right! Tim has also worked as a teacher, coach, and once randomly ended up in a situation where he taught Tommy Lee of Motley Crue how to play poker. Tim claims his hidden talent is being able to quickly calculate the payouts on the craps table. But ultimately, what makes him feel the luckiest is knowing and working with his Chraniacs, admitting that it's the best part of the job. Outside of work, Tim's biggest motivators are traveling, getting outside, playing golf, listening to the Beastie Boys, and being around loved ones, including his awesome cat, Jackson!
Biggest Fear: Earthquakes
Favorite Quote: "It's a great day for a great day!"