your chraniacs

Nick Sierra-1

nick sierra

Business Development Manager

contact info

(281) 216-4083

about nick

In his previous life, Nick worked in sales and management for a Fortune 500 company. Before that, he was an officer in the United States Army and a graduate of Embry-Riddle University. Now, he mops the floors just like the rest of us at Chrane. Outside of work, he is an outdoor enthusiast with a passion for anything that involves a board. He travels often and at any given time might have a friendly wager in place for a sporting contest so one might consider him a sports enthusiast. Nick was born in the DFW area but now calls Austin home where he and wife Alyson are proud parents of their beautiful baby girls Avery and Camdyn.

Secret Admirer of: Ryan Gosling …"Hey Girl."

New Favorite Hobby: Sleep